Our Team
Our Volunteers
Our Trustees

Work of Our Trustees
The Trustee Board ensures that recognised best principles are always adhered to and follows Charity Commission guidance. The Board is clear about the charity’s purposes, mission and values which are set out in the charity’s governing document. The trustees keep in mind the importance of sustainability and the need to balance current and future needs.
The Board is open and accountable. The Annual Report includes an explanation of what the charity has done for the public benefit during the year and the extent to which the charity has achieved its charitable purposes.
All trustees of the charity have signed a Trustee Code of Conduct and accepted the sanctions that may apply should they breach the Code of Conducts
Board Contribution
The Board aims to ensure it has a balance of skills, experience and length of service and knowledge of the charity. In addition to financial, operational and strategic management it manages and supports staff and volunteers where applicable.
Changes to The Board
All appointments to the Board take place in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and the Charities Articles of Association. Any proposal for a new Board member is discussed and approved by the entire Board. All appropriate checks are undertaken to ensure that prospective trustees are eligible and suitable to act in that capacity.
Financial Reporting & Governance
The Board has a responsibility to present a balanced audited Annual Report of Accounts which is prepared in accordance with good practice requirements and fulfils the legal requirements for filing in a timely fashion. The Board has policies to control and managed its reserves, investments and borrowing and takes professional advice where needed. The Board integrates financial planning and wider operational planning and management, ensuring that funds are available when the charity needs them and are used in the most effective way to the benefit of the charity. Sources of income are kept under review and strategies are in place to raise funds and diversify sources of income as far as possible. Fundraising strategies are also regularly reviewed. The Board is aware of the financial risks involved in existing and new ventures and takes steps to manage those risks.
Operational Procedures
The Board ensures that the charity delivers its stated purpose by ensuring the organisational purpose remains valid and agreeing operational plans and budgets. The Board and staff have clear and appropriate delegated authority to carry out their designated roles in delivering the charity’s purposes.
Learning and Procedures
The Board has considered how to identify, measure and learn from the charity’s achievements, impacts and outcomes, including the positive and negative effects that it has on beneficiaries, others with an interest in the charity and the wider community.